Flaminia Montefeltro

Whole Grain Specialties

The Farm " Flaminia Montefeltro " was born from the passion and commitment of Patrizio Mensà, who manages his business with care and respect for the environment. Patrizio’s passion was born and nurtured from an early age when he accompanied his father to work in Marchigiana cattle breeding. Through assisting his father, Patrizio has been able to approach the world of farming, actively participating in the management of the stables and the use of agricultural machinery for tillage. After graduating as a land surveyor from the Technical Institute of Gubbio, Patrizio has worked in the Center for Agricultural Assistance (CAA Copagri) signing permits for the management and development of farms and subsistence income to the PAC (Common Agricultural Policy) of Arable land, the Breeders, the compensatory Allowances , Damage from Weathering and Wild. As a result of this collaboration, Patrizio became the technical manager in another union association (Coldiretti). Meanwhile, Patrizio’s father , upon reaching retirement, decided to begin managing a farm of about 40 hectares. In this period, Patrizio carried on his activities while also assisting his father in managing the farm. Patrizio at this point met Romina , his current girlfriend . After three years of collaboration, Patrizio left the trade unions to establish, together with his brothers, a craft activity for the production of kitchen accessories. He then also took over management of his father’s farm. Over the years, while leading and consolidating his farm, Patrizio became the father of three children: Natasha, Manuele, and Samanta. With the arrival of the children, Patrizio’s growing awareness led him to make a valuable decision: to transform the wheat from raw material to a finished product, ensuring that his children consume healthy food and grow up healthy. Today, Patrizio continues to pursue this goal by transferring the same attention that he has for his family to his entire farm, with the aim of enhancing the crops and the farm land.