Flaminia Montefeltro

Whole Grain Specialties

Our production care and attention brought us to analyze the flours and related products characteristics, in collaboration with the Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari of University “Carlo Bo” in Urbino. Laboratory tests revealed a high antioxidant capability of our pasta and highlighted that our flour is an excellent base ingredient for pasta, bread and other bakery products.
By eating 100 grams of Whole Wheat Pasta "Flaminia Montefeltro" we introduce in our body about 3 grams of Arabinoxylans, 37 grams of Glutathione (GSH) and 200 grams of Polyphenols: all of these antioxidants supply a total of about 13000 ORAC units, well above the suggested value of 6000. By eating 50 grams of bread baked with Soft Wheat Integral Flour "Flaminia Montefeltro" we introduce in our body about 0.3 grams of Arabinoxylans, 12 grams of Glutathione (GSH) and 60 grams of Polyphenols, which provide 4600 ORAC units.